5 Reasons to use digital maintenance tracking

1. Accuracy

When you talk about maintenance tracking the two biggest topics that come up are safety and accuracy. These two terms go hand in hand, meaning that the more accurate and up to date your records are the safer your maintenance program can be. The key to successful maintenance programs is accuracy of the calculations, and the organization of all components, write-ups, inspections, and flight data.

What digital maintenance tracking can do is streamline the entire process, improve visibility for users, and eliminate errors. Historically, maintenance run-sheets were updated by logging the flight on one sheet, that sheet was sent to the maintenance team and transcribed into the tracking system. This process is slow, may introduce errors, and create a backlog in your record keeping. By tying the flight operations and the maintenance operations together you are able to reduce errors, cut out the middle man, and eliminate backlogs in your system.

As aircraft become more and more complex it is imperative to keep updated and accurate records. The best way to do that is with a tailored aviation maintenance management program. Tracking complex aircraft such as a Black Hawk can be overwhelming with the need to track over 200 components, interdependent inspections, and unscheduled maintenance. The most accurate and safest method is to turn to digital maintenance tracking.

2. Efficiency

Efficiency is king, the more efficient your process the more likely your team will maintain updated records. Digital maintenance tracking simplifies the process by requesting required information from each member of your team and integrating that data automatically to produce accurate data.

Digital maintenance management can cut out the middle man allowing your team to spend less time on paperwork and more time on actual maintenance. Digital maintenance management will allow your company to grow quickly without sacrificing quality.

3. Save Money

When your processes for record keeping and maintenance management become more efficient, streamlined, and accurate your business becomes more profitable. Digital maintenance management will positively effect your bottom line by reducing paperwork, improving organization, and saving man-hours. All these improvements allow your maintenance team to spend more time on physical maintenance rather than paperwork.

When you have updated and accurate records you are able to get the most out of your time-life components and inspection intervals, this increase directly relates to better profit margins for your company. Digital maintenance management allows you to better forecast maintenance and component due times, thus, reducing your aircraft’s down time and improving your companies Operational Readiness (OR) rate.

4. Customer Impressions

Aviation is an extremely competitive industry and can be very difficult to gain market share even in your niche market. By utilizing digital maintenance management you stand out to your customers as a company who prioritizes safety, organized record keeping, and quality maintenance. Big clients know what to look for, and they are looking more and more for organized digital maintenance management.

Based on the trends within the aviation industry, government contracts, large utility companies, and aircraft sales will all expect to see some kind of digital maintenance management, and some may even request access as a read only client. This type of transparency keeps everyone informed, reduces errors, and ultimately can improve safety.

5. Preparing for inspections

Inspections are a fact of life in aviation, it seems that every day there is a new inspection for something in your business. Inspections can range anywhere from FAA compliance audits to federal contract carding inspections. The key to any of these inspections is preparation, the more you prepare the better and more streamlined the entire process will go. Depending on your company’s organization and record keeping backlog, it could take weeks to prepare for inspections, with digital maintenance management it can take seconds.

Most programs can give you organized reports and summaries with just a few clicks, producing exactly what the inspector is looking for without sifting through endless paperwork. The ability to immediately find and produce what the inspector needs both impresses and reduces the overall time of the inspection. Depending on how in-depth or ongoing your inspections are, some companies provide read-only access to the inspector so they can find and monitor anything they require.

Are you ready to reap the benefits of affordable digital maintenance management and tracking for your company? If so, please contact us, we would be happy to hear from you.

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Organized operations

*all blog posts are solely based on my opinion


ModernHawk, LLC tracked over 3,000 flight hours!